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About Baseco

Baseco Compound, nestled in Manila's port area, unfolds its history like the pages of a novel, each chapter marked by the resilience of its inhabitants against the backdrop of a rapidly changing landscape. Much of this community lies on Engineer's Island, an artificial haven crafted in the 1960s to house the National Shipyard and Steel Corporation (NASSCO). The 30-hectare dockyard, once a symbol of industrial prowess, eventually evolved into a settlement that would bear witness to the ebb and flow of Philippine history.


In its early days, Baseco was home to the families of shipyard workers, who found solace on the island from the 1960s to the 1970s. It also became a refuge for fisherfolk from Bataan, seeking respite during their expeditions into Manila Bay. The camaraderie among the 15 to 20 families residing there painted a portrait of communal support.


The winds of change swept over Baseco when the Marcos regime crumbled, leading to the sequestration of the Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Company, along with Engineer's Island. As the grip of dictatorship loosened, a surge of new faces arrived on the island in the late 1980s. Displaced families, victims of Marcos' urban clearance projects in Manila, sought refuge in Baseco, turning it into a haven for those seeking sanctuary.


The community that burgeoned faced its own set of challenges. Houses, constructed on low-lying land comprised of river silt, discarded rubble, dredged mud, and even fragments of gasang-gasang shells, bore the brunt of high tides as seawater flooded the stilted abodes. Yet, amidst the struggle for stable ground, the people of Baseco clung to their homes, forging bonds that withstood the test of adversity.


Fast forward to 2022, and Baseco Compound is a microcosm of life's complexities. With a population of 73,000, over half of whom are children, the community faces the harsh reality of limited access to essential services. The tale of Baseco is not just one of struggle but a testament to the strength found in unity and the indomitable spirit that persists, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

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