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"Elevating faith with purposeful shepherding, empowering souls with love, and inspiring unity through a vision of empowerment."

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Mark Pedder

I got “born again” the weekend after my 21st birthday and life had not been all that much up until that point. Grew up impoverished in Australia (as many did in those times), left home as early as I could due to issues with my father, wandered to Melbourne and began living a feral, lonely and unhappy life, survived 5 years of that and then met Jesus. Not long after that I married the lady who was instrumental in my salvation.


I know without a shadow of a doubt, it was my encounter with Jesus that totally changed my life, an encounter that is still changing my life today, an encounter that will continue to change my life until I disappear from this planet and walk with Him in eternity. It’s exactly the same for my wife, who had a spectacular salvation. He is both the author and the “ongoing” perfecter of our Faith.


We have planted churches, established leadership teams, trained and developed so many people/youth in so many areas of their lives, built maybe 500 homes, sent (and still send) children to every level of school, ran massive malnourishment programs, birthed over 100 healthy babies, established small group networks, done micro finance and small business programs, run dental missions, medical missions, taught English using TESOL, taken teams overseas, had hundreds of foreign teams visit our work…and…none of it has ever been “part of our plan”.

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In 1983, facing my mother's debilitating lung infection, we were invited to a house-church service by a neighbor, offering the hope of healing through prayer. Stepping through the gate, an overwhelming joy enveloped me, a sensation I had never experienced before. Responding to the pastor's altar call, I surrendered my life to Jesus, the beginning of His grand plan for me.


The Lord redirected my beliefs, emphasizing that eternal life is found solely in Him. He guided me to reach out to those in jail and within our community. In 2009, amidst the devastation of Typhoon Ondoy, we relocated from Muntinlupa to Quezon City, where I encountered leaders from Baseco and Pastor Mark, an Australian missionary. What started as a small Bible study evolved into the Sunday church fellowship of John 14:12 in North Fairview. Grateful for being part of this ministry, I continue to witness the Lord's unwavering faithfulness in our lives, a testament to His enduring grace and transformative love.

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My journey with faith began through the avenue of student sponsorship during my high school years, a transformative experience that redirected the course of my life. As a typical youth with aspirations solely focused on completing my studies, the support and guidance from Ps. Mark and Nanay Christine paved the way for a brighter future. Although initially offered an opportunity to pursue a degree in BS Criminology,


God had a superior plan in mind. Embracing His divine intervention, I found myself called to serve Him full-time in the ministry. Dedicated to youth outreach and the broader church community, my service has taken me to various places and countries, allowing me to share the boundless goodness and love of God.


Today, as a member of my own family, my commitment to serving the church and community remains unwavering. Through every twist and turn, my journey stands as a testament to God's intricate plan unfolding, guiding me towards a purposeful life dedicated to His service.

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My introduction to Ps. Mark and Nanay Chris came through the transformative avenue of student sponsorship. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, marred by chaos and responsibilities thrust upon a 14-year-old, the church became my sanctuary—a place of refuge in the midst of turmoil.


Ps. Mark and Nanay Chris, my pillars of strength, became my second parents and confidants. Through them, I discovered the goodness of our Lord, orchestrating all things for my good. Despite challenging circumstances, these struggles led me to people who offered opportunities for a brighter future.


Blessed with the chance to pursue a degree in Accounting, I ventured beyond borders, sharing His word in foreign lands. Serving the community as a Sunday school teacher for kids, I witnessed the transformative power of His love.


Now, as I embark on the journey of marriage and plan to start my own family, I am a living testament to God's amazing work in and through me. All glory to Him, the architect of my redemption, and the author of a story that unfolds with purpose and grace.

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**stay tuned for forthcoming details and testimonies, set to be posted as soon as possible**

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When Ps. Mark and Nanay Chris embarked on their mission in Manila, I, a 9-year-old, was the eldest of five siblings, all struggling with malnutrition. Our lives intersected through a feeding program initiated by them. Witnessing our precarious health and family situation, they embraced us as their own, providing not just sustenance but also vitamins for our well-being.


As time unfolded, the trajectory of my life was shaped by their continued support. I became a beneficiary of the student sponsorship program, a lifeline that saw me through primary school to college, earning a degree in BS Information Technology. Simultaneously, I devoted myself to serving the Lord as a youth leader and lead worshiper.


Today, standing as a testament to God's transformative power, I've embraced yet another calling—to be His youth pastor, a role I wholeheartedly accepted. From a malnourished boy, I've evolved into an IT graduate, and now, a youth pastor. Every step of this remarkable journey echoes God's goodness and faithfulness. All praises and glory belong to Him alone, who has orchestrated a narrative of redemption and purpose in my life since day one.

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I was once just a kid attending Sunday Kids Church, eagerly receiving bread, juice, and small gifts—a routine that seemed simple but carried the seeds of God's grand design for my life. Growing up in a household where neither of my parents had completed their education, I held the belief that breaking free from poverty's grip was an unattainable dream.


Yet, God's plan unfolded, surpassing the limitations of my own aspirations. From primary school to college, He orchestrated the fulfillment of my educational journey. I became the first in my family to hold a degree, a feat once deemed impossible. Today, I proudly bear the title of a Registered Social Worker, a testament to the transformative power of God's grace and His ability to transcend the boundaries of circumstance. My story is a living testament to the truth that God's plans are infinitely greater than our own, and He has the power to turn what seems impossible into a reality filled with purpose and accomplishment.

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Before the radiant light of Ps. Mark and Nanay Chris's ministry illuminated my life, my family, even my children, were steadfast believers, a testament to their unwavering faith. Engulfed in a tumultuous existence, I toiled as a painter/carpenter in a distant resort, returning home only to unleash the darkness of my alcohol-fueled rage upon my family, my role as husband and father eclipsed by the shadows of my actions.


Ps. Mark, a beacon of peace in our turbulent home, intervened, but it was the ceaseless prayers of my wife and children that sustained a glimmer of hope. In 2009, divine intervention unfolded, and I found myself drawn to Bible studies, grappling with words on pages despite my limited education. Determined to change, I immersed myself in serving the Lord, leading Bible studies and renovating houses for those in need, extending a hand to lost souls in slum areas like Parola and Don Bosco.


Through this sacred journey, I not only encountered the transformative power of God but also rediscovered my estranged father after a chasm of 11 years. The reunion became a resounding chorus of praise. Today, I stand as a testament to the Lord's boundless grace, a changed man, redeemed and uplifted by a higher power that never gives up on someone like me.

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Greetings, I'm Riza, and my journey with the John 14:12 Ministry has spanned 15 transformative years. Beginning as a Kids Teacher, I later assumed the role of a translator for our Pastor and visitors hailing from diverse corners of the globe.


Hailing from a modest family in a slum area, I've been overwhelmed by God's favor on my life. The love and grace of God catalyzed a profound change, reshaping my trajectory and infusing my existence with purpose.


Today, I wear multiple hats with gratitude—a full-time Financial Advisor, a devoted wife, and a nurturing mom—all while continuing to serve God and extend love to those around me. My story stands as a testament to the power of God's transformative love, which has not only impacted my own life but has allowed me to channel that love into service, both within the ministry and in the broader scope of my personal and professional endeavors.

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**stay tuned for forthcoming details and testimonies, set to be posted as soon as possible**

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