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From Adversity to Advocacy: Marilyn's Tale of Christ's Transformative Love

I am Marilyn the eldest child among 4 children, and I want to share with you the incredible journey that has shaped my life a journey that I believe reflects the transformative power of Christ.

I was born into circumstances that were far from ideal. Life presented challenges and uncertainties right from the beginning. But, you see, the beauty of my story lies not in where I started, but in the transformative work of Jesus that unfolded along the way.

Growing up, I faced obstacles that seemed insurmountable. The world can be a difficult and confusing place for a child, and I was no exception. But in the midst of darkness, a flicker of hope entered my life.

I encountered Christ, a source of unwavering strength and love. His grace became the guiding light that led me through the darkest nights. Through faith, I found the courage to face my fears, and the strength to overcome adversity.

As I walked with Christ, my life began to transform. His teachings inspired me to not only overcome my own struggles but also to extend a helping hand to others. Motivated by a newfound sense of purpose, I pursued education (through the help of people that Jesus used to support and sponsored me all through out my studies) and, with His grace, I became the first degree and license holder as registered Social Worker in the family.

Becoming a social worker wasn't just a career choice; it was a calling an opportunity to be a vessel of Jesus Christ's compassion in the lives of those who needed it most. Every person I encountered became a chapter in the testament of His love working through me.

Through every trial, every triumph, it was Christ who sustained me. I am living proof that no circumstance, no past, and no mistake is beyond the redemption of His love. My life, once marked by uncertainty, has become a living testimony to the power of Christ's transformative love. I share my story not for my glory but for His, to inspire and remind each of you that through Christ, we can overcome, grow, and become instruments of His grace in the lives of others.

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