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  • Writer's pictureBaseco Mission

From Brokenness to Breakthrough

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, reflecting on the struggles and heartaches of the past, let us find solace and inspiration in the story of Joseph. Joseph's life, marked by betrayal and brokenness, serves as a poignant reminder that God can transform our pain into a decisive breakthrough.

In Genesis 37, Joseph's own brothers betrayed him, casting him into a pit and ultimately trading him away into slavery. The following road was fraught with challenges, from false accusations to imprisonment. Yet, through it all, Joseph clung to his unwavering faith in God.

For those who felt broken in 2023, Joseph's journey resonates. The pit of despair may seem insurmountable, but just as God had a plan for Joseph, He has one for each of us. Genesis 50:20 encapsulates the essence of Joseph's transformative perspective: "Though you meant to cause me harm, God intended it for good, bringing about the current outcome—the preservation of numerous lives."

As we enter 2024, let us carry this truth in our hearts. The broken pieces of our past can be the raw materials for a beautiful breakthrough orchestrated by God. The challenges we faced in 2023 are not the end but a part of God's greater narrative for our lives.

Embracing the journey from brokenness to breakthrough requires resilience and faith. Just as Joseph rose from the depths of a pit to become a ruler in Egypt, we, too, can experience redemption and restoration. As we navigate the uncertainties of the coming year, let us hold fast to the promise that God is with us, turning our brokenness into a masterpiece of His grace. May 2024 be a year of breakthrough, where God's redemptive power shines through our lives, bringing hope, healing, and a deeper understanding of His unwavering love.

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