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  • Writer's pictureBaseco Mission


Updated: May 28, 2023

Last week, our Bible study team met Tatay Merdinio, 66 years old, the father of Ate Edna, one of our bible study attendee, who got stroke.

Pastor Manny with Nanay Fe, Nanay Ella, Rosevell, went there to have a chat with the family, encourage and pray for the healing of Tatay Merdinio. Praying for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit but most importantly, praying for the salvation of the soul for the whole family.

And we also gave, not so large amount, of fund for Tatay Merdinio's laboratories and other medical needs.


For many years that we have been doing bible studies in different parts of Baseco and in other slum area in Manila, we often encounter people in need of medical support, food, house renovation assistance, school sponsorship for their kids, etc. And through the generous support of our brothers and sisters around the globe, we were able to meet those needs and more.

But aside from the physical needs, we were able to plant seeds to their hearts, seeds of hope and love through sharing the Word and Love of Christ and this is where real transformation comes.

Most of the people in our world, the slum, lived only for the present. Work, to have food on the table. Looking at life like they are here now and gone tomorrow.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

And God wants them to know that there is more in life, the life that has been given and nurtured by Him. An abundant life. A joyful life. A transformed life. THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD.

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