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Standing with Kuya Marco

In our community, there’s a man we all know and love—Kuya Marco Robedillo. He’s been a pillar of strength, a source of inspiration for many. But now, he’s facing a tough battle, one that he can’t fight alone.


You see, Kuya Marco is going through a difficult time. His once sturdy body is now weakened by illness, and the changes are hard to miss. He’s struggling, yes, but he’s not giving up. He’s fighting for his loved ones, for his family.


Currently, Kuya Marco is undergoing medical check-ups to assess his condition. The doctor’s advice is clear: he needs to rest for three to six months to aid his recovery. But here’s the thing—rest isn’t an option for him. He has children who depend on him, who need his support.


It’s a challenging situation, but here’s where we come in. We can’t change the circumstances, but we can stand by Kuya Marco, offering our support and prayers. Let’s rally around him, lifting him up in our thoughts and prayers, sending him strength and encouragement.


For those who know Kuya Marco, you understand the kind of person he is—a fighter, a survivor. And now, more than ever, he needs our collective support. Let’s be there for him, showing him that he’s not alone in this battle.


Together, let’s stand with Kuya Marco, showing him the power of community, the strength of our unity. Let’s keep him in our prayers and offer whatever support we can, knowing that even in the darkest times, there’s light and hope when we stand together.


"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

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